Artwork created using Adobe Illustrator by N. Jordan

Fan art made of Eminem on stage with props that are burning. Covered in bandage from his classic mummy costume with Jason mask, and matching blood stains. I drew this up in anticipation of the album that did not happen yet - MMLP3

Hand drawn portrait of my beautiful wife, made entirely in Illustrator to test out a Wacom stylus. 

One of my first pieces of art in Adobe Illustrator, I made this fantasy world influenced by the likes of Salvador Dali, bong trees and reptiles.

I recreated a classic comic book panel in illustrator for this drawing of Venom.

Another dedication, vector style, to my favorite band of all time.

Using the textures/skins of these fruits as a brush in Adobe Illustrator, I draw freehand and placed them within a watermelon themed bowl.

My first time using Adobe Illustrator to draw and color a scene of a werewolf doin' werewolf stuff.

Another early creation of mine in Adobe Illustrator, drawing this image of a shark wrapped in the cord of a microphone it is biting. This art was then used for one of my music singles - Shark Water.

One of the many images I created from scratch for the company that was never actualized - Krypteia SOF

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